Keg line (60 kegs / hour)
Keg filling line
The line is composed of :
- 5 metres of conveyor
- GÖBEL external washer
- 2 metres of conveyors
- GEROSA 4 heads filling line
- 3 vessel CIP (hot water, hot soda, peracetic)
- 2 metres of conveyors
Capacity : 60 kegs per hour (30 litre EUROKEG with A type tubes)
Siemens automation from 2019
Major upgrade carried out in 2019 :
- Bearings
- Pneumatic jacks
- Electrical
- Overhaul of the motors
- Replacement of 2 pumps
- Overall of 3 pumps,
- Overall of steam network
The line is located in France, it is immediately available